

The Rosary is recited 30 minutes before Masses during the weekend. It is recited on Wednesdays at 6 PM.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena

The practice of reciting the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help originated in St. Louis, Missouri, in the Church of St. Alphonsus in 1922. The devotion spread rapidly throughout the world. Since Our Lady is our patron under the title of Mother of Perpetual Help, we have the weekly recitation at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening.

Holy Face Devotion

In the mid-1800s, a Carmelite nun in Tours, France received revelations from Our Lord about Devotion to His Holy Face. In 1849, Bl. Pope Pius IX ordered public prayers to be offered in all churches to the Holy Face during a violent revolutionary uprising threatening the Church. And in 1885, Pope Leo XIII established the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face. The feast day is Tuesday, better known as Mardi Gras.

In the last couple of years, we have been promoting this devotion in our own church. We have been given a Holy Face cloth by the Carmelite monastery in Texas which is the headquarters of the US archconfraternity. We now have the shrine in the back with a holy oil lamp. The faithful may anoint themselves with the oil from this lamp.

Each Sunday, the prayers are recited at 5:15 often within Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and join us in adoring Our Eucharistic Lord and imploring his mercy in these troubled times.

Novenas throughout the Liturgical Year

We encourage the faithful to prayer various novenas throughout the liturgical year. Announcements are made prior to the start of the nine-day prayer and novena booklets and brochures may be found in the vestibule of the church