Holy Week Schedule

Spy Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Tenebrae Office of Darkness, 7:30 PM

Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper, April 6, 2023

No morning Mass. Adoration Chapel closes before the Mass begins.
7 PM Bilingual Mass, Procession, and Stripping of the Altar followed by Reserve Chapel Adoration till midnight

Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion and Death, April 7, 2023

Stations of the Cross, 12 PM, Alpha and Omega Garden, Immaculate Conception Mission

Good Friday Liturgy, 3 PM

Procession of Madre Dolorosa, Spanish, 7 PM

Holy Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Vigil, 8 PM, begins in front of the Parish Hall for the New Paschal Fire and the New Paschal Candle, procession into the church, chanting of the Exsultet, bilingual.

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord, April 9, 2023

9 AM, English Mass
1 PM, Traditional Latin Mass